Certified Nursing Assistant Refresher Course
in Houston, TX
Renew Your Nursing Assistant Certification With Ease!
Continuing education is important for all healthcare professionals to keep up to date with the latest practices and developments in the field. In the Smithwood Certified Nursing Assistant Refresher Course, students will review the role of the nurse aide/assistant and will be given an overview of the curriculum as required in the state of Texas. Our nurse refresher course in Houston is self-paced, but it must be completed within 30 days of registration.
Straightforward Program, Successful Reinstatement
This course is designed to offer computer-based training (CBT) to satisfy the 24-hour in-service education requirement, which is part of the Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) renewal process. This online training will be tracked and documented to satisfy requirements set by the state of Texas. In order to fully document a successful course completion, participants must print a copy of the course certificate at the end of the training and submit the certificate from the completed online course to Smithwood Medical Institute, LLC.

Refresh Your CNA Skills
As a knowledgeable nursing professional, you will be right at home in our 24-Hour In-service Continuing Education for NATCEP seminar. Students will review the theory and practice of basic nursing skills and restorative services in a clinical setting, among other clinical course topics. We will cover personal care skills and social skills to ensure your patient care abilities remain in top quality condition. Our RN refresher program also provides an introduction to long-term care review and addresses mental health & social services needs. Reviewing these subjects will provide you with robust preparation for your recertification and help maintain an active nursing license.
Completing Your Texas Nursing License Clinical Course
After completing the seminar, the student will be required to submit the documentation of the quizzes completed with a 70% or above taken throughout the online course in order to meet the in-service requirement. Students will log on and off the site when working on the seminar modules as they refresh their skills. The amount of time each student spends on the seminar will be logged, accumulated, and totaled to document that the Texas 24-hour requirement is met.

CNA Refresher Requirements
To renew active status on the Nurse Aide Registry, the following requirements must be met:
- The in-service training must be completed through a nursing facility or an approved NATCEP. Smithwood Medical Institute, LLC is an approved Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation Program.
- Submit Texas Employment Verification (Form 5509-NAR)*
- Submit CNA license*
- Photo ID
- Social Security Card
- Diploma or Transcript from High School
*Submission of CNA license may be required either in addition to or as an alternative for Texas Employment Verification (Form 5509-NAR). Contact SMI today with any questions about these requirements.
Nursing Clinical Practice Refresher Course FAQs
There is much to cover in our nurse refresher program, and the Texas board of nursing requirements change often. So, our students have a lot of questions as they view program courses. We’ve answered some of the most common questions below. For more specific answers, please contact us at (713) 975-0971.
Effective September 1, 2013, a nurse aide must complete at least 24 hours of in-service education every two years that includes training in geriatrics and the care of residents with a dementia disorder, including Alzheimer’s disease in order to renew their certification (TAC; Title 40; Part 1; Chapter 94; Rule 94.9).
This seminar is intended to assist nurse aides in remaining current with their knowledge and skills, therefore will cover the following topics:
- 4 hours: Role of the Nurse Aide
- 4 hours: Physical Care Skills
- 4 hours: Psychosocial Care Skills
- 4 hours: Social Skills
- 4 hours: Geriatrics
- 4 hours: Care of residents with Dementia disorder, including Alzheimer’s disease and any other cognitive disorders/impairment
- Submit Texas Employment Verification (Form 5509-NAR)
- Log on to the online campus to register and submit payment
- Click on the link to register and complete the online course: http://smi.myonlinecampus.org
- Complete the online course and all modules within 30 days of registration
- Must score a minimum of 70% for each module to receive credit
- Submit a copy of the learning certificate upon completion
Total Number of Lessons: 6 Modules
Please give us a call if you have any questions or need assistance!
The seminar will serve as a continuing education requirement for certified nurse aides. Candidates must be certified nurse aides and verify with submission of their license or Texas letter. Pre-registration with tuition is required (learn about our tuition options). Log on to the website of the online campus to compete and submit registration and payment via the website. Please click the link: http://smi.myonlinecampus.org
Yes, and candidates will need an overall score of 6.5 to pass.
Begin Your Nurse Refresher Course in Houston
Keep your Texas nursing license active. Our online program is fast, efficient, and thorough. Our nursing skills review lab will have you finished with the nursing refresher requirements in no time!
To begin your course registration, give us a call at (713) 975-0971 or contact us online. The sooner your Texas nursing license is back up to date, the sooner you can get back to helping patients.